Voucher validity starts Instantly till June 30, 2025.
- Voucher valid for the services mentioned in the
- Not valid with any other promotional offers.
- Multiple vouchers can be bought.
- Kindly make an appointment at the earliest.
- Only for women.
Strictly by appointment only
11:00 am to 8:00 pm
Mini River View Commercial Phase 7, Bahria Town Rawalpindi
Service Includes:-
- PH Balance Herbal Glowing Facial or Multivita
Brightening Facial
- Deep Neck Brightening Herbal Polisher
- Face, Neck & Shoulder Massage
- Dead-Skin Exfoliation
- Pores-Tightening Mask or Skin Toning/pH Balancing
- Under-eye Herbal Treatment
- Brightening Manicure :
( Include : Hands Whitening Polisher + Hands
Dead-Skin Exfoliation + Hands Cuticle
Removal + Rehydration Pressure-Points Express
Hands Massage)
- Brightening Pedicure :
( includes : Feet Whitening Polisher + Feet Dead-Skin
Exfoliation + Feet Cuticle Removal + Rehydration
Pressure-Points Express Foot Massage)
- Deep Tissue shoulders Massage
- Head Massage & Skin Consultation
At the salon, you will meet the experienced and dedicated team who will help guide you through a service using their expertise and wide industry knowledge. All of the stylists have many years of experience and are up to date on all the latest trends and contemporary techniques ensuring a great service.
(+92) 03 111 444 123