Voucher validity starts Instantly till Sep 10, 2016.
-Voucher valid for the services mentioned in the description.
- Not valid with any other promotional offers.
- Multiple vouchers can be bought.
- Kindly make an appointment at the earliest.
- Only for women.
Strictly by appointment only
11:00 am to 8:00 pm
Near Cafe Zouk, M.M. Alam Road, Gulberg III, Lahore
Courteous & friendly staff
Comfortable & serene ambiance
Professional services
High quality products usedd
Suitable for all skin types
Voucher Includes:
Janssen Whitening Facial
Whitening Polish & Skin Glow
Haircut OR Hair Protein Treatment
Whitening Manicure or Half Arms Wax
Leave behind dull and damaged looking skin as Dealtoday brings you a great deal! Receive a Janssen Whitening Facial along with a Whitening Face Polish & Skin Glow to add a natural glow to your skin along with restoring radiance and shine. In addition, receive a trendy Haircut Or Hair Protein Treatment. Pamper your hands and feet with a relaxing Whitening Manicure . The deal concludes with threading.
NS Glam Salon caters to both men and women! They deliver the ultimate beauty experience providing exceptional haircuts, refreshing facials, cleansing treatments and complete stress relieving treatment packages in a relaxing environment.
(+92) 03 111 444 123