Voucher Validity:
Starts Instantly till 30th-June, 2025.
Multiple vouchers can be bought for friends and family
Discount on Fillings will be offer to dealhub customers
Not valid with any other promotional deals
Strictly on appointment only.
For men and women both
Monday to Saturday
(10:00 am - 7:00 pm)
276-Y Commercial Block DHA, Lahore
(Kindly book your appointment as soon as your receive
your voucher to avoid inconvenience)
Sterilization facility
World-class services provided
Certified Dental Practitioners
Friendly and courteous staff
Comfortable environment
Latest techniques used for dental treatment
Voucher is valid for :
Dental Scaling
Dental Polishing
Oral Hygienic Brushing Techniques
Flouride Filling
Dentists @ The Smile Studio:
Dr. Shoaib Masood
Member of PMDC
Please Contact for voucher details & other info:
* Need Help? Please Call: 03 111-444-123
** Seven Days A Week (10:30am - 8:00pm)
Show off that big beautiful smile as Dealhub.pk brings a perfect package for you! Receive a superb dental package that includes Dental Scaling + Dental Polishing + Oral Hygienic Brushing Techniques + Fluoride Filling + Consultation, so treat yourself to some goodness by taking care of your teeth!
Scaling means scraping away old residue, tarter and plaque buildup. Polishing cleans away the stains on the teeth, generally using a rotating brush with special toothpaste like material, used to make the teeth shiny and beautiful.
(+92) 03 111 444 123