Voucher Validity:
Starts Instantly till 30th January, 2025.
- Only valid for services listed in voucher
- Not valid with any other promotional offers
- Multiple vouchers can be bought for friends and family
- Strictly By Appointments
- Grab voucher before availing services
- Only For Women
*No walk in customers will be entertained.
*Voucher will be delivered within 12-24 hours.
**Voucher will not be delivered on Sundays & Gazette Holidays.
11:00 am to 8:00 pm (Seven days a week)
9/B, Wapda town, Lahore.
Near to Wapda Rounabout
Get into a thriving session with dealhub.pks new salon deal. We have designed a special deal with Top Beauty Salon & Spa that offers you 64% discount on variety of beauty treatments. This deal is for all women who want wants to look beautiful but extreme weather condition and stress can take their beauty and leave pale and problematic skin.
The deal includes Whitening Facial + Whitening Bleach + Whitening Polish + Neck Bleach with Polish + Neck and Back Massage + Upper lips, Forehead and Chin Threading + Half Arm Wax + Half Legs Wax + Whitening Manicure with Polisher + Whitening Pedicure with Polisher.
Lets move on to the best part, the price of the deal. Like all other services deals, this deal also comes with huge discount of 64% for Rs. 2999/- instead of Rs. 7,200/-. Dont waste this opportunity and place your order for voucher now for the perfect look!
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