Voucher Validity:
Starts Instantly till 30th-June 2025.
Only valid on services listed in voucher
Not valid with any other promotional offers
Multiple vouchers can be bought for family & friends
For men and women both
Appointment Booking Days:
Monday to Saturday:
11:00am to 05:00pm
Doctor's Day & Timing: (Procedure)
Monday, Wednesday & Thursday:
10:00am - 02:30pm
For appointment: 02135878637
Dentist @ South City Hospital: GPC-12, Block-5, Clifton Karachi, (Behind Bar-B-Q Tonight) 2nd Floor, Above The Eye Centre.
Please Contact for voucher details & other info:
* Need Help? 03 111-222-392
** Seven Days a Week
Strictly By Appointment Only - Kindly book your appointment as soon as your receive your voucher to avoid inconvenience
Superb facilities
High-tech dental equipment
Sterilization facility
World-class services provided
Certified Dental Practitioners
Standard protocols implemented
Comfortable environment
Latest techniques used for dental treatment
Voucher is valid for :
Teeth Scaling
Teeth Polishing
Root Planning
Bleeding Gum Treatment
Halitosis & other oral hygiene instructions
Dental and implant consultation
Dentists @ South City Hospital:
• Dr. Rida Shah
B.D.S., M.I.P.H (Australia), D.I.C.S.M (Australia)
D.D.H (Canada), C-Implant (Canada)
Dr Muhammad Nadeem
Associate Professor
LCMD & Darul Sehat Hospital
B.D.S., M.I.P.H (Australia), D.I.C.S.M (Australia)
D.D.H (Canada), C-Implant (Canada)
Show off that big beautiful smile as Dealhub.pk brings the perfect package for you! Regular scaling & polishing will help prevent your teeth from falling out at an early age. Scaling scrapes away old residue, tarter and plaque while Polishing cleans stains on teeth, generally using a rotating brush with special toothpaste like material used to make teeth shiny and beautiful. Using special toothpaste like material, the cup is spun around the teeth to make them shiny smooth.
South City Hospital offers the highest quality of dental care, along with healthcare. All patients benefit from the skills of their Certified Private Dentists in a full-service dental clinic, equipped with state-of-the-art modern facilities and resources. Book your voucher for your treatment today!
(+92) 03 111 444 123